[rbxshot img="images/stories/rokcandy-ini-thumb.jpg"]RokCandy default.ini file[/rbxshot] [rbxshot img="images/stories/rokcandy-admin-thumb.jpg"]RokCandy Administrator[/rbxshot]
For example, [example title={title}]{text}[/example] can be set to output the following:-
<div class="example"> <h3>Title</h3> <p>Some content</p> </div>
How do I configure RokCandy, the Syntax?
RokCandy is outfitted with prebuilt statements, however, with the overriding ability of Joomla 1.5, you can create new ones and override them in the template files, and not have to concern yourself with editing core files. The file is called default.ini and is located in the /templates/rt_solarsentinel_j15/html/com_rokcandy directory. Similarly, you can also add and control your own in the Administrator (Admin > Components > RokCandy). They will appear in the following format:-[tag]{text}[/tag]=<tag>{text}</tag>Such as
[alert]{text}[/alert]=<span class="alert">{text}</span>As is apparent, each line is separated into distinctive sections. There are two parts, the RokCandy syntax (left of =) and the outputted HTML (right of =). You would create your own tag name and insert them between square brackets, [], followed by {text} and the closing tag with [] brackets again. This segment is followed by the = symbol and following on from that is the HTML output. Note, the {text} is required in both parts to denote what element is to be carried forward. You can use any value between the {} brackets, such as {title} or {link} as long as they are cross referenced in the HTML output as shown in the example below:-
[box title={title} link={link}]{text}[/box]=<div class="box"><h3><a href="{link}">{title}</a></h3><p>{text}</p></div>[span class=attention]Note, the best way to understand the syntax rules is to look at the default.ini file and see what syntax we use.[/span] [readon url="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56&Itemid=67"]RokCandy Examples[/readon]